Corporate Sustainabilty Score (CSS)
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New study: Sustainability generates amazing revenue.

A groundbreaking study initiated by THE GREEN NETWORK proves that revenue depends more and more on how consumers evaluate a brand's sustainability performance.

Here are just two amazing key findings of the Corporate Sustainabilty Score (CSS): Top brands create 17% of their total revenue because of their good sustainability perception. And consumers have their own ideas of what is really important regarding sustainability and brands.

Our partner and brand evaluation expert Biesalski & Company set up a representative panel of 4380 clients of Germany's 30 most talked about brands. The participants were asked to rate the sustainability performance of these brands and give their verdict, which aspects of sustainability are most important to them. This made it possible to exactly define the influence of sustainability on buying decisions for each brand. An influence that has grown remarkably over the last years and is moving up to generate a fifth of total revenue for our top brands.
